Thursday, November 30, 2006

Let's get this straight from the start

I hate Blogger.

Viper's Den, Part 1 was a jewel of my blogging abilities and in one fell swoop, I lost everything because the directions weren't clear after transitioning to the new beta blogger.

I was/am crushed.

I will try to recreate all that I can with this resurrected version but it looks like I lost everything older than May 2006.

Thank God for Google archive and Bloglines which saved the last 100 posts.

I've lost a lot.

I might be able to recreate about half.

I don't have the time to do this.

I hate Blogger.


Killjoy said...

You DO have other choices, you know.

Viper said...

Yeah, but unfortunately even though they suck ass, Blogger has the biggest audience. As much as I hate it, I want its exposure.

Hate, hate, hate...